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Privacy Policy (Cool Havana Nights – Travel App)

Privacy Policy (Cool Havana Nights – Travel App)

This Privacy Policy describes the data that Cool Havana Nights – Travel App collects about you when you use the Cool Havana Nights – Travel App, websites, and services (the “Services”), and how Cool Havana Nights – Travel App uses and discloses that data. This Policy also explains your rights, including your rights to request information about Cool Havana Nights – Travel App’s data processing, and/or deletion of your data.


First, we want you to know that Cool Havana Nights – Travel App is committed to protecting your privacy and your personal data and information. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App uses and discloses your data only to provide the Services to you, for example to book your next trip or notify you when we see a deal that you won’t want to miss, as explained in this Policy. If you have any questions about your data, you can always reach our Privacy team by emailing us at


  1. The Information Cool Havana Nights – Travel App Collects.


  1. Information You Provide. When you create a Cool Havana Nights – Travel App account, you may be required to provide and verify your mobile phone number. To make travel bookings using the Cool Havana Nights – Travel App Services or to communicate to Cool Havana Nights – Travel App for other purposes, you may be required to provide additional personal information including, for example, your name, address, email, government identification or third-party rewards numbers, date of birth, gender, and payment information. You may also be required to provide this personal information for any individual(s) on whose behalf you make travel booking(s).


  1. Your Device. When you use or access Cool Havana Nights – Travel App Services, Cool Havana Nights – Travel App receives information about the computers, phones, or other web-connected devices and browsers that you use. The device information Cool Havana Nights – Travel App receives includes attributes such as the device or browser type, operating system, hardware and software versions, display settings, language, region, location, currency, and time zone settings, mobile carrier, your IP address, and any device, operating system or advertising identifiers.


  1. Your Usage and Transactions. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App collects information about how you use the Services, such as the flights or hotels you watch and the content you view or engage with. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App also retains records of the travel bookings or other product/service purchases that you make using the Services, and any interactions with Cool Havana Nights – Travel App’s support team.


  1. Geolocation Data. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App receives geolocation data from your device solely for the purpose of populating search fields, such as the “origin airport” field within the flight search section of the app, or to allow you to search for nearby pickup locations within the cars search section of the app. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App does not retain your geolocation data. You can decline to provide geolocation data using your app settings.


  1. Cookie Data: When you visit Cool Havana Nights – Travel App websites, Cool Havana Nights – Travel App uses “cookies” and/or similar identifying technology on your device(s) to collect data, including cookie IDs, settings, and usage data. Please refer to Cool Havana Nights – Travel App’s Cookie Statement, as part of Cool Havana Nights – Travel App’s Supplemental; Privacy Policy attached to this Policy, for more information.


  1. How Cool Havana Nights – Travel App Uses Your Information.


  1. To Provide, Improve and Personalize the Services. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App stores and uses the data it collects for the following purposes: (i) to provide and support the Services for you, including by making bookings, supporting your bookings, and notifying you about deals; (ii) to personalize the Services for you, such as by watching or suggesting trips or other products, deciding which products to offer, and administering Cool Havana Nights – Travel App rewards programs, discounts, and offers; (iii) to analyze and improve the Services and products, such as by marketing to you and measuring the effectiveness of our marketing; (iv) to improve products and develop new products (based on usage trends); (v) to ensure the security of the Services and prevent fraud or other illegal activity, such as by verifying the validity of an attempted booking or payment, which may also include the use of automated decision-making, for example, in relation to assessing fraudulent transactions or suspicious activity; (vi) to comply with applicable accounting, legal and regulatory requirements; and (viii) as otherwise explained to you at the time of the collection of data.


  1. To Communicate with You. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App also uses the data you provide to communicate with you about your travel bookings, about deals on travel that you are watching or may be interested in, and/or about other Cool Havana Nights – Travel App products and services that we think you may be interested in. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App may communicate with you via in-app push notifications, email, phone, SMS, or other messaging means based on contact information that you provide. You will have the opportunity to decline to receive any marketing communications from Cool Havana Nights – Travel App unrelated to any booking, purchase, or support request that you make.


  1. Data Retention. We will retain your personal information in accordance with all applicable laws, for as long as it may be relevant to fulfill the purposes set forth in this Privacy Policy, unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law. We may retain anonymized data for analytical purposes over longer periods of time.


  1. When Cool Havana Nights – Travel App Shares Your Information.


  1. To Make Travel Bookings. When you request to make a travel booking, Cool Havana Nights – Travel App may share your data to third-party travel service suppliers (such as airlines, hotels, rental car providers, or insurance providers) and their data-processing partners, and/or to Cool Havana Nights – Travel App’s third-party travel booking partners (such as a Global Distribution System provider) only as necessary to complete your booking. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App’s third-party travel-booking partners (other than travel service providers) are required by Cool Havana Nights – Travel App to use and disclose your data only as necessary to complete your Cool Havana Nights – Travel App travel booking. Third-party travel service suppliers (such as airlines, hotels, rental car providers) that you select are not controlled by Cool Havana Nights – Travel App, and any data disclosed to them will be subject to that supplier’s privacy policy and security practices. Therefore, we encourage you to review the privacy policies of any travel supplier whose products you purchase through Cool Havana Nights – Travel App.


  1. To Vendors that Help Cool Havana Nights – Travel App Provide the Services. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App works with a number of third-party data processing partners who help us provide and improve the Services. These partners include cloud-hosting services, data analytics and processing services, communication management (support) services, technology integration partners, survey partners, and payment and fraud-prevention service providers. These third-party processing partners have access to your data only as necessary to perform their functions for Cool Havana Nights – Travel App, and they are not permitted to share or use your data for any other purpose. They are also required to follow the same data security practices that Cool Havana Nights – Travel App employs.


  1. As Required by Law. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App may share information with law enforcement and governmental entities, or in response to legal requests, only when necessary as required by law, or in the good-faith belief that such action is required by law, such as in response to a facially valid judicial, or other governmental entity, order, subpoena or warrant. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App may also share information with law enforcement if we have a good-faith belief that such disclosure is necessary to detect, prevent and address fraud, unauthorized use of the Services, violations of our terms or policies, or other harmful or illegal activity.


  1. For Marketing and Analytics Purposes. When you use the Cool Havana Nights – Travel App Services, Cool Havana Nights – Travel App may share your device advertising identifier (e.g., IDFA on iOS and AdID on Android) or cookie information, and information about actions you take in the app, if you have enabled these features in your device settings, with third parties for the purpose of analyzing the effectiveness of Cool Havana Nights – Travel App marketing activities and/or future marketing activities. You can disable, opt-out, and prevent the sharing of this information in your device or browser settings without impacting your ability to use the Services. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App will accept your decision to disable sharing of your device advertising identifier as your signal of an election to opt-out of sharing and limit the use and processing of your personal data, and will abide by that decision in a frictionless manner. If you permit the sharing of such information, Cool Havana Nights – Travel App’s third-party partners may combine information they receive from Cool Havana Nights – Travel App with information about you obtained from other sources.


  1. Your Rights to Your Personal Information, to Opt-Out of Sharing and to Limit Processing. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App provides all Users, regardless of your country of residency, with rights to rectify object to the processing, or withdraw consent, to future sharing or processing of your data by Cool Havana Nights – Travel App. You may make any such requests to Cool Havana Nights – Travel App by utilizing this interactive opt-out form within the Cool Havana Nights – Travel App mobile app, or by emailing us at and subsequently verifying your identity as requested by Cool Havana Nights – Travel App. Please note that the linked opt-out form will not be effective if accessed from a web browser outside the Cool Havana Nights – Travel App. Absent exceptional circumstances, there is no fee for such requests and Cool Havana Nights – Travel App will respond within thirty (30) days, or otherwise as required by law. Please note that certain Services that require data processing may no longer be available to you following a request for data deletion or cessation of processing, and a withdrawal of consent to processing will not prevent Cool Havana Nights – Travel App from continuing to process data where Cool Havana Nights – Travel App relies on a legal basis other than consent. If you are a resident of Canada, California (United States), the United Kingdom, or the European Union, you may have additional rights under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA), the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP) and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR), respectively. These rights are explained in our Supplemental Privacy Policy following this Policy.


  1. International Data Transfer. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App shares information globally within the Cool Havana Nights – Travel App Companies (as defined in our Terms of Service), including its global subsidiaries, and to the external processing partners and third-party suppliers mentioned above. Your information may, for example, be transferred or transmitted to, or stored and processed by, Cool Havana Nights – Travel App group entities and/or third-party data processors located in the United States, Canada, or other countries outside of where you live, as necessary for the purposes as described in this Policy and to provide the Services to you. The laws in the countries in which your data is processed may differ from the laws in your home country. In order to protect your data during processing in any country, Cool Havana Nights – Travel App may utilize standard contract clauses, rely on the European Commission’s adequacy decisions about certain countries, as applicable, or obtain your consent for these data transfers. When transferring certain information to the United States, we may rely on the European Commission Adequacy Decision for the EU-US Data Privacy Framework (including the UK extension to the EU-US Data Privacy Framework) and the Swiss-US Data Privacy Framework. Please refer to the Data Privacy Frameworks Disclosure for Cool Havana Nights – Travel App (USA). following this Policy for more information about this data transfer mechanism and privacy practices of Cool Havana Nights – Travel App (USA).


  1. Information About Minors. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App Services are not intended for or directed to persons under the age of 16, and we do not knowingly collect personal information from persons under the age of 16 without obtaining parental consent. An adult making a booking on behalf of a person under the age of 16 consents to the collection and use of data about such person. If we learn that personal information has been collected on the Services from persons under 16 years of age and without verifiable consent, then we will take the appropriate steps to delete this information.


  1. How Cool Havana Nights – Travel App Protects Your Information. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App employs industry standard procedures and other accepted best practices to protect the information that we collect, both during transmission and once we receive it. However, no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App therefore cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk. If you believe your personal information has been compromised, please contact us as set forth in the “Contact Us” section below.


  1. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App website and application is provided by Bmore On Demand Technologies, LLC. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App controls any information collected from you.


United States

Cool Havana Nights – Travel App (USA), ., 10 Light Street, Baltimore, Md 21202, United States

Personal data may be also processed by an affiliated Cool Havana Nights – Travel App entity in order to process your payment.

  1. Non-Covered Privacy Practices. Please note that this Policy does not cover the privacy practices relating to the personal information of job applicants, employees and other personnel. Please refer to those separate websites for applicable privacy policies.
  2. Changes to this Policy. Before we make changes to the way we collect, use, and disclose your information, we will make available a revised version of this Policy via the Services. If possible, or where required by law, we will notify you of the change and give you the opportunity to review the revised Policy before you choose to continue using the Services. By continuing to use the Services following publication of any update, you consent to the updated Policy.


  1. Contact Us. If you have any questions or comments about this Policy or your personal data, or to make an access, deletion, or correction request, or to exercise any other applicable rights, you can email us at, or by mail to: Cool Havana Nights – Travel App, 10 Light Street, Unit 504, Baltimore, Md 21202.

This Supplemental Privacy Policy (“Policy”) supplements Cool Havana Nights – Travel App’s Privacy Policy and explains: (1) how Cool Havana Nights – Travel App collects and uses Personal Information with specific reference to the requirements of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA), UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP) and EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR); and; (2) your rights under each of these laws and regulations.


  1. Definition of “Personal Information”. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App uses the Personal Information that it collects from you in accordance with our Privacy Policy, and otherwise in accordance with PIPEDA, CCPA, UK GDPR, FADP and EU GDPR. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App does not sell your Personal Information. The term “Personal Information,” for purposes of each of the above-referenced Laws, means:


Meaning of “Personal Information”


Information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with you. Personal Information does not include information that is aggregated or information that cannot be reasonably linked to you.


Information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person; an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

  1. Data Controllers. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App website and application is provided by Cool Havana Nights – Travel App. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App is a Controller of any information collected from you.

Where you use Cool Havana Nights – Travel App to book travel, the following Cool Havana Nights – Travel App act as the Controller for data collected from you in the following jurisdiction:


Data Controller

United States

Cool Havana Nights – Travel App , 10 Light Street, Unit 504 – Baltimore, Md 21202

Where your personal data is processed by Cool Havana Nights – Travel App will determine the purposes and means of processing your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. In relation to any travel bookings you make, controllers are responsible for the collection and processing of your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy, informing you about how your personal data will be processed, and assisting you with exercising your privacy rights. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App. is responsible for providing communications to you relating to your booking, including ancillary services, and providing you with customer support. Where you have consented to your personal data being used to receive updates, news and travel information, Cool Havana Nights – Travel App. will be responsible for the processing of your personal data in this way.

  1. Categories of Information Collected, Used, Shared. The table below summarizes the categories of Personal Information Cool Havana Nights – Travel App may have collected about you over the past 12 months, depending on how you use our Services, as well as how we use it and with whom we may have shared it:

Categories of Personal Information Collected

Purposes of Processing

Categories of Persons to Whom Personal Information is Shared

Identifiers (e.g., real name, alias, postal address, internet protocol address, email address, passport number, or other similar identifiers).

Providing, optimizing, personalizing, and improving the Services.

Third-party travel service suppliers and third-party booking service partners, and their respective data-processing partners.

Commercial information, including records of products or services purchased, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.

Facilitating bookings, insurance, and payment transactions, and offering and providing Cool Havana Nights – Travel App products.

Cool Havana Nights – Travel App and their respective data-processing providers and service vendors.

Internet or other electronic network activity information, including your interactions with the Cool Havana Nights – Travel App website or applications.

Ensuring security of the Services and fraud prevention.

Law enforcement or other third parties in connection with legal requests.

Communicating with you.

New owners, in the event of a change of ownership or control of all or part of Cool Havana Nights – Travel App or our Services.

Performing Cool Havana Nights – Travel App business analytics.

Cool Havana Nights – Travel App.

  1. Sources of Information. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App receives Personal Information from you, including information that you provide or from your usage of the Services, and from your device(s). This collection of data is explained in our Privacy Policy. The categories of sources from which we’ve collected or received Personal Information include:


Information Collected


To make travel bookings using the Cool Havana Nights – Travel App Services or to communicate to Cool Havana Nights – Travel App for other purposes, you may be required to provide personal information including, for example, your name, phone number, address, email, government identification or third-party rewards numbers, date of birth, gender, and payment information. You may also be required to provide this personal information for any individual on whose behalf you make a travel booking. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App collects information about the travel bookings and transactions that you make, and the content, pages, and travel services that you access and interact with, and how you use the Services, including products that Cool Havana Nights – Travel App offers. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App collects information about your communications to us, such as for purposes of customer support.

Your Device(s)

Cool Havana Nights – Travel App collects information from and about the computers, phones, browsers, and other web-connected devices you use to access the Services.

  1. Lawful Bases for Processing. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App collects, uses, processes and discloses personal information based on: (i) the need to process data to carry out Cool Havana Nights – Travel App’s contractual obligations to you and/or Cool Havana Nights – Travel App’s legal obligations; (ii) your consent, for the uses and purposes set forth in Cool Havana Nights – Travel App’s Privacy Policy and/or as explained at the time of the data collection; (iii) contractual necessity; and/or (iv) based on Cool Havana Nights – Travel App’s legitimate interest in optimizing, improving, and providing the Services, consistent with the purposes for which you provided the data to Cool Havana Nights – Travel App, where such interest is not overridden by your rights. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App will store personal information for an indefinite period of time as necessary to continue to provide the Services to you.

If Cool Havana Nights – Travel App collects and uses your personal information in reliance on its legitimate interests (or the legitimate interests of any third-party), this interest will typically be to operate or improve the Cool Havana Nights – Travel App platform and communicate with you as necessary to provide services to you, for security verification purposes when you contact Cool Havana Nights – Travel App, to respond to your queries, undertaking marketing, or for the purposes of potentially detecting or preventing illegal activities.

Cool Havana Nights – Travel App may in some cases use automated decision-making, for example, in relation to assessing fraudulent transactions or suspicious activity in the Cool Havana Nights – Travel App or on the Cool Havana Nights – Travel App site. As part of this processing, automated decisions may be made by putting your personal information into a system and the decision is calculated using automatic processes. If you pose a fraud risk, this may affect your ability to book on Cool Havana Nights – Travel App. You may have rights in relation to automated decision making, including the ability to request a manual decision-making process instead or contest a decision based solely on automated processing. If you want to know more about your data protection rights, please contact Cool Havana Nights – Travel App by emailing

  1. Consumer Rights – California Residents. If you are a California Resident, you have the following rights under the CCPA:

Right to Access: You have the right to request that Cool Havana Nights – Travel App disclose to you the Personal Information that we collect, use, or disclose, and information about our data practices;

Right to Request Deletion: You have the right to request that Cool Havana Nights – Travel App delete your Personal Information that we have collected from you; and

Right to Non-Discrimination: Cool Havana Nights – Travel App will not discriminate against you for exercising any of these rights by either: (a) denying goods or services; (b) charging different prices or rates for goods or services, including through discounts; or (c) providing a different level or quality of goods or services. Please note that deletion of data necessary to the Services (such as bookings and transactions) will make these Services unavailable to you.

Right to Opt-Out of Data Sharing. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App’s collection and use of data for some marketing purposes, as described in the Privacy Policy and this Supplement, may be considered by the California Attorney General and/or California Privacy Protection Agency to be the “sharing” or “sale” of data, as those terms are used in the CCPA, CPRA, and implementing regulations. You have the right to opt-out of such use of data by Cool Havana Nights – Travel App by: (i) disabling your device advertising identifier (IDFA for iOS or AdID for Android), which Cool Havana Nights – Travel App will accept and implement in a frictionless manner as a signal of your intent to opt-out; (ii) by utilizing this interactive opt-out Form from within the Cool Havana Nights – Travel App mobile app; and/or (iii) emailing Cool Havana Nights – Travel App at

  1. Consumer Rights – United Kingdom, Switzerland, European Union and Canada Residents. If you are a resident of the United Kingdom, Switzerland, European Union or Canada, you have the following rights under UK GDPR, FADP, EU GDPR or PIPEDA:

Right to Access: You have the right to request that Cool Havana Nights – Travel App disclose to you the Personal Information that we collect, use, or disclose, and information about our data practices;

Right to Request Deletion: You have the right to request that Cool Havana Nights – Travel App delete your Personal Information that we have collected from you;

Right to Rectify: You have the right to request that Cool Havana Nights – Travel App correct any of your Personal Information used or stored by Cool Havana Nights – Travel App;

Right to Data Portability: You have the right to request the export of electronic data in a reasonable usable form;

Right to Withdraw Consent, and/or Object to or Restrict Processing: You have the right to request that Cool Havana Nights – Travel App cease or restrict its processing of your personal information, in certain circumstances, including where Cool Havana Nights – Travel App’s processing is based on its legitimate interests rather than your consent.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint about Cool Havana Nights – Travel App’s data practices with a supervisory authority. For more information, you can visit the European Commission’s page on Data Protection,Information Commissioner’s Office website, Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner’s website or Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada website.

Residents of Québec additionally have the right to:

request a cessation of dissemination of personal data; and

de-indexation or re-indexation of personal data.

In accordance with Bill 64, an Act to modernize legislative provisions as regards the protection of personal information, Cool Havana Nights – Travel Appointed Frédéric Lalonde, Chief Executive Officer as a data protection officer responsible for overseeing the protection of personal information in Québec. You can contact our data protection officer by emailing us at


  1. Exercising Consumer Rights. You may exercise your rights and make requests for information or deletion by emailing us as Please note that to protect your information and the integrity of our Products, we may need to verify your identity before processing your request. In some cases we may need to collect additional information to verify your identity, such as a government issued ID.
  2. Cookie Statement. “Cookies” are small pieces of text sent as files to your computer or mobile device when you visit most websites. When you use the Services, cookies may be delivered by Cool Havana Nights – Travel App (“first-party” cookies) or delivered by a third-party provider (“third-party” cookies). Cookies are either session cookies or persistent cookies. Session cookies enable Cool Havana Nights – Travel App to recognize and link the actions you take during a single browsing session. Persistent cookies enable Cool Havana Nights – Travel App to recognize you as an existing user, and these cookies are stored on your system or device until they expire, or until you delete them. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App also may use other technologies similar to Cookies, including (and all are referred to as “Cookies”):

Pixels are small objects embedded into a web page that are not visible to the user. We use pixels to deliver cookies to your computer, facilitate the log-in process, monitor the activity on our sites, and deliver online advertising.

Tags are small pieces of HTML code that tell your browser to request certain content generated by an ad server. We use tags to show you relevant advertising and promotions.

Scripts are pieces of JavaScript code that launch automatically when certain webpages load, to determine whether users view associated advertisements.

Local Storage Objects, such as HTML 5, are used to store content and preferences. Third-parties with whom we partner to provide certain features on our site to display advertising based upon your web browsing activity use Local Storage Objects to collect and store information.

Types of Information Collected Using Cookies. As explained in Cool Havana Nights – Travel App’s Privacy Policy, the types of information that we collect through cookies include: IP address; Device ID; Viewed pages; Browser type; Browsing information; Operating system; Internet Service Provider; Whether you have responded to, or interacted with, an advertisement; Referring or referred links or URLs; and Features used and activities engaged in on our sites and in our apps.

How we use Data Collected Using Cookies. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App uses Cookies on the Cool Havana Nights – Travel App website for a number of reasons, including to: (i) Help us improve your experience when visiting our sites; (ii) Fulfill transactions and ensure our sites perform as intended; (iii) Remember your preferences, such as language, region, or currency; (iv) Provide you with relevant advertising and analyze performance of the ads; (v) Enable you to return to previous travel searches; (vi) Identify errors on our sites; (vii) Help with data protection and potentially detect and investigate malicious or fraudulent activity; (viii) Help us understand traffic to our site, including time and date of the visit, time and date of the last visit, and other information; and (ix) Analyze how well our sites are performing.

Types and Functions of Cookies.


Essential Cookies. Certain cookies are required or “essential” for our sites to function as intended. Essential cookies are necessary for you to navigate our site and use certain features like logging in to your account and managing your bookings. These cookies are also used to remember security settings that allow access to particular content. Lastly, we use essential cookies to collect information on which web pages visitors go to most, so we can improve our online services. You are not able to opt out of essential cookies.

Functional Cookies. We want to make sure when you visit our site, your preferences (such as your preferred language), settings, and previous searches are remembered. Functional cookies enhance your experience on any Cool Havana Nights – Travel App site.

Analytics Cookies. We use analytics cookies to understand our site’s performance and how it is used, including the number of visitors, how long you stay on the site, and which parts of the site you visit. We can see details about how visitors interact with the sites, like the number of clicks visitors made on a given page, their mouse movements and scrolling activity, the search words visitors used, and the text visitors enter into various fields. We also use Analytics Cookies to test different designs and features for our site, determine effectiveness of our advertising, and to improve our services, including your experience on our site., For analytics, our third-party service providers may use cookies to perform their services and may combine the information that they collect about you on our sites with other information that they have collected. This Cookie Statement does not cover such third-parties’ use of your information.

Advertising Cookies. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App and our third-party advertising partners may use advertising cookies to show you advertisements both on and off our sites that are based on your interests. We may allow third-parties to collect information about your online activities through cookies to perform their services and may combine the information that they collect about you on our sites with other information that they have collected. These third-parties include business partners who collect information when you view or interact with one of (1) their advertisements on our sites or (2) our advertising or booking information on their sites and advertising networks, which collect information about your interests when you view or interact with one of the advertisements or tracking mechanisms they place on many different sites on the Internet. Our partners may make assumptions about your interests, characteristics, or preferences and add you to groups based on those assumptions in order to show you tailored advertisements. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App does not have access to the cookies these third-parties may use to collect information about your interests, and the information practices of these third-parties are not covered by this Cookie Statement or our above Privacy Policy.

Manage your Cookies. You can set or amend your web browser controls to accept or refuse cookies whenever you like, but please remember if you do choose to reject cookies, your access to some of the functionality and areas of our site may be restricted.

Do-Not-Track Signals and Similar Mechanisms. Some web browsers may transmit “do-not-track” or Global Privacy Control (GPC) signals to sites with which the browser communicates. Because of differences in how web browsers incorporate and activate this feature, it is not always clear whether web users intend for these signals to be transmitted, or whether users are even aware of them. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App is evaluating the use of opt out signals received by its website. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App currently does take action to such signals within the Cool Havana Nights – Travel App mobile app by recognizing a user’s decision to block the sharing of a device IDFA (iOS) and/or AdID (Android) as a signal of the user’s intent to opt-out of the sharing of data for certain marketing purposes and to limit the processing of data as set forth above in this Privacy Policy.Processing Activities and Security

Please refer to Section 3 “When Cool Havana Nights – Travel App Shares Your Information” of the Supplemental Privacy Policy for Residents of Canada, California (U.S.), United Kingdom, Switzerland and the European Union attached to this Privacy Policy for details about:

the types of personal information processed;

the purposes for which personal information is processed;

the types of third parties to which personal information is disclosed and the purpose of the disclosures.

For more information about our security standards, please see Section 7 “How Cool Havana Nights – Travel App Protects Your Information” of the Privacy Policy.

Data Subject Rights

To learn more about your rights, please refer to Section 7 “Consumer Rights – United Kingdom, European Union and Canada Residents” and Section 8 “Exercising Consumer Rights” of the Supplemental Privacy Policy for Residents of Canada, California (U.S.), United Kingdom, Switzerland and the European Union attached to this Privacy Policy.

Please note that Cool Havana Nights – Travel App (USA). offers the choices and means for limiting the use and disclosure of their personal data. At any point you have the right to opt-out of marketing use of data by Cool Havana Nights – Travel App, as set out in Section 4 “Your Rights to Your Personal Information, to Opt-Out of Sharing and to Limit Processing” of this Privacy Policy.

Onward transfer


Cool Havana Nights – Travel App (USA). may disclose personal data to subcontractors and third-party agents in line with Section 3 “When Cool Havana Nights – Travel App Shares Your Information” of the Privacy Policy and Section 3 “Categories of Information Collected, Used, Shared” of the Supplemental Privacy Policy for Residents of Canada, California (U.S.), United Kingdom, Switzerland and the European Union attached to this Privacy Policy.

Cool Havana Nights – Travel App remains responsible for any of your personal information that is shared under the onward transfer principle with third parties for external processing on our behalf, as described in this Privacy Policy.

Regulatory Authority and Disclosures

Cool Havana Nights – Travel App (USA). is subject to investigatory and enforcement powers of the Federal Trade Commission and Department of Transport in the United States in connection with its Data Privacy Framework program. Cool Havana Nights – Travel App (USA). might also be required to disclose personal information in response to lawful requests by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements as set out in this Privacy Policy.

Questions and disputes

Please email us at with any questions or concerns about our DPF certification. You may also refer a complaint to your local data protection authority and we will work with them to resolve your concern. In some situations, the DPF framework gives you the right to invoke binding arbitration. You can do this to resolve complaints not resolved by other means, as described in Annex I to the DPF.



Phone: +1-443-571-3230

Effective Date of this Policy: March 23, 2024 (Version 1.0)

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